More Information file name

General ShopSite user discussion

More Information file name

Postby FredW » Mon Oct 26, 2015 11:18 am

Hi Folks,

We encountered a different behavior in, I think, version 12 of Shopsite. In defining a new product, upon saving the product definition, if we did not specify a file name in the more information section, Shopsite generates one based on the product name. This is true even if we do not check the More Information box to request a more information page. This did not use to work this way. If we didn't ask for the page, we could leave the file name blank and it would stay blank.

I can understand this behavior if one requests a more information page and does not fill in the file name. But does it have to do this even when we don't want a more information page?

Thanks in advance for your consideration in looking into this.

Fred W
Posts: 188
Joined: Mon Apr 02, 2012 2:07 pm

Re: More Information file name

Postby Jim » Mon Oct 26, 2015 3:23 pm

This functionality was added because a file name that contains the same words as are used in the product boosts SEO ratings. Having a more information file with a name like productx.html isn't going to provide any SEO advantage. Unless you check the box to create a More Info Page the name in the filename field should have no affect. The file name is only added on the initial creation of the product, any subsequent editing of the product will not recreate it. So you could delete the file name and save the screen and it will no longer have a value.
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