Print Receipt and more - Responsive Theme

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Print Receipt and more - Responsive Theme

Postby Devon » Sat May 30, 2015 2:37 pm

I'm using the boilerplate responsive theme and have some annoying issues I can't resolve.

Most Important: The ability to print the receipt when an order is placed. There is a [-- BUTTON Print --] in the template on the ThankYou screen, but it doesn't appear. It's important to be able to easily print the order from the screen, how can I make that happen? (I've added a phrase to the ThankYou screen telling them an email confirmation has been sent, but I'd rather have a print button!)

Other issues:
1. I want to have the Custom Checkout Field appear on the Confirmation screen. How do I call the value of field01 to make it appear?

2. On the Confirmation screen, the template has this:
<div id="bb-cartextras">
[-- Email_List --]<br /><br />[-- SC_Comments --]
And it appears like this:

With the Comments indented. That looks too weird. In the code, I can tell that the [-- SC_Comments --] calls a table, while the Email list doesn't. I've tried to center the email list, doesn't work. So I tried this instead (this is a copy/paste, no typos):

<div id="bb-cartextras">
[-- Email_List --]<br /><br />[-- SC_Comments --]<br />
[-- SC_Comments_Text --]

And I get this:
What can I do to make these line up better?

3. FYI, the only way I could make a footer appear on every one of the screens, (shopping cart, checkout, confirmation) was to manually include it into the footer.sst file.

4. Why does the "Apply" button have black type when all other buttons have white type? How can I change it to white?

Thank you so much for your help. You fixed the problem I had the last time I posted, I really appreciated it. Thank you!
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Re: Print Receipt and more - Responsive Theme

Postby Devon » Sat May 30, 2015 3:29 pm

I figured out the print.

bb-basiccart.css has this: {display: none;}

I removed the {display: none;}, and the print button appears.

I'll remove it under the "@media screen and (max-width : 500px)" section as well.
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Re: Print Receipt and more - Responsive Theme

Postby Devon » Mon Jun 01, 2015 12:10 am

One last question. Somehow, I turned off the search in the top right corner on my test site, but I can't figure out how I did it. I don't want the search box; where do I make the change to get rid of it?

Thank you!
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Re: Print Receipt and more - Responsive Theme

Postby Jim » Mon Jun 01, 2015 9:00 am

Each page has a field on the Edit Page Content screen called "Product Search Field" that field determines if a search form is added to the page so it should be unchecked. Also if you aren't going to have a search form on your page you should probably uncheck the "Index" box that is just below it.

You should probably also uncheck the Utilities > Publish > "Index for Search during update" option so no search index is created.

Note that some themes may automatically include the search even if these settings are all unchecked. If you find that to be the case please post what theme /template you are using for your site.
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Re: Print Receipt and more - Responsive Theme

Postby Devon » Mon Jun 01, 2015 1:27 pm

Jim -

Thank you for the help on the Search. Can you help me with the issues in my first note?

1. I want to have the Custom Checkout Field appear on the Confirmation screen. How do I call the value of field01 to make it appear?

2. On the Confirmation screen, the template has this:
<div id="bb-cartextras">
[-- Email_List --]<br /><br />[-- SC_Comments --]
And it appears like this:

With the Comments indented. That looks too weird. In the code, I can tell that the [-- SC_Comments --] calls a table, while the Email list doesn't. I've tried to center the email list, doesn't work. So I tried this instead (this is a copy/paste, no typos):

<div id="bb-cartextras">
[-- Email_List --]<br /><br />[-- SC_Comments --]<br />
[-- SC_Comments_Text --]

And I get this:
What can I do to make these line up better?

3. Why does the "Apply" button have black type when all other buttons have white type? How can I change it to white?
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Re: Print Receipt and more - Responsive Theme

Postby Jim » Mon Jun 01, 2015 4:16 pm

For the custom checkout fields the help at has these tags
Custom Checkout Fields
[-- CustomHTML --] True if Custom Checkout Fields are enabled
[-- Ship_CustomHTML n --] Insert the Custom Checkout Field where n is 1 to 5

If you are seeing incomplete template tags, like SC_Comments_Text --], in your html output, make sure you have not checked the "Insert an html comment before each include file " option on the Utilities > Publish Screen. This option inserts html comments in the code and sometimes they break other code. They should only be used if you are actually trying to debug a template issue.

Not sure about the search text button. I would check the html for the button and see what styles are applied to it. You may need to modify the style to get the text white.
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