You must have turned off the displaying of the shopping cart when an item is added to the cart. The cart is working it is just not displaying.
Go to Commerce Setup > Order System > Shopping Cart and uncheck the 'Do Not display the "Show me my shopping cart" check box' That should cause the cart to display when you add items to the shopping cart.
Here is the add to cart code on your store page.
- Code: Select all
<form action="" method="post">
<br><input type=hidden name="storeid" value="*30a2757e8305041985a9afa4c1052085b775145cf0c8d91cf462">
<input type=hidden name="dbname" value="products">
<input type=hidden name="function" value="add">
<input type=hidden name="guid" value="8ba2ab10-051b-11e5-bf9f-04012fe20a01">
<input type=image src="" border="0" align="bottom" alt="Add to Cart" name="Add to Cart">
I added the following code to a test page with your add to cart code in it and the cart does display.
- Code: Select all
<input type=image src="" border="0" align="bottom" alt="View Cart" name="View Cart">
So the final complete form is
- Code: Select all
<form action="" method="post">
<br><input type=hidden name="storeid" value="*30a2757e8305041985a9afa4c1052085b775145cf0c8d91cf462">
<input type=hidden name="dbname" value="products">
<input type=hidden name="function" value="add">
<input type=hidden name="guid" value="8ba2ab10-051b-11e5-bf9f-04012fe20a01">
<input type=image src="" border="0" align="bottom" alt="Add to Cart" name="Add to Cart">
<input type=image src="" border="0" align="bottom" alt="View Cart" name="View Cart">
When I finally got the cart to display there were 4 products in my cart so each of the times I tried clicking the add-to-cart worked.
You should either add the View Cart code to your form on your html page or add a View Cart button or link some where else on your page so the shoppers can click it to see the shopping cart.