by Jim » Thu Dec 04, 2014 10:43 am
To change the authorized url for a store you need to get a new store.auth file with the appropriate url You would talk to your host about this if they are a ShopSite partner or contact ShopSite directly to get the new auth file. Make sure the new auth file contains the same storeid and serial number as your original one or all encrypted data will unreadable. You will also need to change settings in the <storeid>.aa file to fix the urls that were entered in the file when the store was initially installed. You will also need to move all images from the original install location to a media directory under the new url path. You will need to "reset all attributes" on all images so the proper url is set for the images. You will need to republish all pages of your store (Utilities > Publish > Regenerate) so the pages will be placed in the proper location. You may need to remove any html pages that were generated by ShopSite in the stores original url directory location.
If it is a new store it may be easier to just remove it and reinstall with the proper auth file. However, if you have added a bunch of data to the site already you may want to do the above steps to actually move it.