We have started to sell internationally, and my conversion rate thus far is very low. I don't expect it to be nearly as high as domestic visitors, but I suspect part of the reason we're not doing great is that our site is strictly in U.S. Dollars. Per Google Analytics I'm seeing a lot of visitors from outside the U.S. that visit our site and view 1 page only before leaving.
I know ShopSite can list a 2nd, alternative currency, but I don't really want this appearing on all my pages for our U.S. visitors to see. Further, 2 currencies isn't really enough.
What are folks doing that sell internationally doing to address this issue?
One example I found, offered by Shopify, is explained here:
And demo'd here:
I kind of like how this works and wondered if anyone had implemented something similar (or even better) for ShopSite.
Thanks in advance for any guidance!