PayPal Advanced

General ShopSite user discussion

PayPal Advanced

Postby Paula » Thu Feb 06, 2014 1:38 pm

I currently use PayPal Standard and am considering an upgrade to PayPal Advanced. I have questions that will help me pre-plan to avoid any potential down-time.

1. If I get PayPal Advanced, I still want buyers to have the option to pay with regular PayPal if they desire. How do I set this up so there are the two options - regular PayPal and PayPal Advanced?

2.Should I set up for PayPal Advanced in my shopping cart first, or wait until I get the confirmation email from PayPal?


--Paula Fitzsimmons
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Re: PayPal Advanced

Postby ShopSite Lauren » Thu Feb 06, 2014 3:08 pm

I have never setup PayPal Advanced personally, but it is my understanding that PayPal Advanced encourages the use of PayPal Standard still. You should be able to have both setup (or when you setup PayPal Advanced it will automatically include the regular PayPal payment option). So you will want to wait until your PayPal Advanced account is active, and once it is, you can go to Commerce Setup > Payment, select PayPal Payments Advanced > Configure, and enter the necessary information. Save changes, then check your cart (place a test order with a credit card), to make sure everything is working correctly.
- ShopSite Lauren
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Re: PayPal Advanced

Postby Jim » Thu Feb 06, 2014 3:22 pm

PayPal Advanced allows the shopper to choose which payment method they want to use, Pay Now with PayPal, Pay Later with PayPal's Bill me Later functionality or using a credit or debit card. So if PayPal advanced is enabled there is no need to have the PayPal standard or express enabled. In fact having both enabled could cause confusion on the shopping cart because it will give the shopper a choice of PayPal or PayPal Advance as payment methods and they probabley wouldn't know what the difference is. If only PayPal Advanced is enabled then there will only be a Checkout button on the shopping cart so it makes the checkout process easier.
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Re: PayPal Advanced

Postby Paula » Sat Feb 08, 2014 1:54 am

Thank you, Lauren and Jim. Love the new updates.
Posts: 273
Joined: Tue Mar 20, 2012 5:35 pm

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