Header Shows in Safari but not IE or Chrom

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Header Shows in Safari but not IE or Chrom

Postby MikeyBlakey » Wed Jan 15, 2014 10:16 am

Hey Guys, I am building my first online store with shop site pro and everything was going fine until I went to our website through IE and Chrome and it looked completely different than in Safari which is where I was checking it after publishing. The header doesn't show ever, however the product pages seem to be alright, but my menu pages are all different sizes so my text isn't lining up, the URL is below. If anyone can take a look and have any suggestions I would really appreciate it. Thanks!


Mike B.
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Re: Header Shows in Safari but not IE or Chrom

Postby ShopSite Lauren » Wed Jan 15, 2014 11:21 am

Mike, I see two reasons why the image is not appearing. The first is that the image is in tiff format, but the image file name has .jpg at the end. Since the image is not a .jpg image, it should not have the .jpg extension. You will want to change the image file extension from.jpg to .tiff, and re-upload it into your store. That said, TIFF image format is not widely supported by web browsers. I noticed that most your other images are in .tiff format. I would suggest opening your images in an image editor and converting them to .jpg, .gif or .png format, which are the main formats for web browsers.

One other thing to note, it looks like most of your images have spaces in them. Although those do upload and display correctly, that is not proper file naming for web browsers. Images (and files names of any type) should use dashes (-) instead of spaces. Search engines read dashes as spaces.
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Re: Header Shows in Safari but not IE or Chrom

Postby MikeyBlakey » Wed Jan 15, 2014 11:47 am


Thanks for the reply. I have opened the image in iPhoto and changed the file type. I just changed it back to a .tiff. I have both these images saved in my back office and neither of them work. Is there another file form I could try?
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Re: Header Shows in Safari but not IE or Chrom

Postby Jim » Wed Jan 15, 2014 1:29 pm

As Lauren mentioned .tiff files are not supported by browsers. You must export your image from your image editing software as a jpeg, png or gif type file with the appropriate file extension for the type file you selected.

I downloaded your SANDUSE1.tiff file and opened it in my image editing software (GIMP) and I could see the image has an hour glass, the word Sand, and Specialty Art & Design as graphic text. From GIMP I exported it as a .png file and I can open that file in Firefox without problems.

So make sure that in your image editing software you convert the file to an appropriate type for the web, .png, .jpg or .gif, You can't just give the file a different extension the software must convert the file to the new format. Once you have the file in the proper format you just be able to open in in your browser by going to File > Open and select the file and you should be able to see it in the browser. Once you can load it in your browser you shoud then upload that file to your ShopSite store and change your header to use that image instead of the .tiff version.
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