Error: Required payment processing parameter missing

General ShopSite user discussion

Error: Required payment processing parameter missing

Postby dlundell » Mon Jul 02, 2007 7:15 pm


I had a customer today get the following error after clicking the submit
page from a Shopsite order:

Required payment processing parameter missing
<!--Clientapp: fatalerror-->

I walked through all that she'd done, and on the face of it, nothing
was missing or seemed wrong.

We've not seen this error before, and I don't see it listed on the
web (shopsite forums, etc) -- except for this: ... 00029.html

but that's related to using Linkpoint, which we're not using.

We checked to see if the transaction is getting sent to, but
it's not, so it seems to be strictly a Shopsite generated error.

Anyone have any ideas about this one?


- dc
Posts: 95
Joined: Fri Aug 04, 2006 6:13 pm

Postby Jim » Mon Jul 02, 2007 7:29 pm

In ShopSite turn on the Detailed Error message under the configuration screen and try the payment again. A detailed error message from will be printed on the shopping cart screen. Get the error code from that message and contact support to see what the problem is. Usually this type of error is caused by changing the password or another setting on the side and not doing it on the ShopSite side.
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