Orders shipping to Alaska, Hawaii and Purto Rico

General ShopSite user discussion

Orders shipping to Alaska, Hawaii and Purto Rico

Postby extragear » Thu Jun 21, 2007 5:15 am

Orders shipping to Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico.

We offer free shipping on orders over $100. This is applicable to orders shipping within the lower 48 states.

We do NOT want to offer free shipping on any orders shipping to Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico.

I have gone in and made sure that the Excluded Zip Codes are setup and checked. Yet customers have still been able to place orders and receive free shipping.

Is there another setting that must be made?

Or, is there a way to prevent Shopsite from taking any orders from these locations.

Most the items that would qualify for free shipping are very large and are cost prohibited from shipping to either location.

Posts: 169
Joined: Mon Apr 02, 2007 10:53 am
Location: Binghamton, NY

Postby loren_d_c » Mon Jun 25, 2007 3:57 pm

1) Are you certain you had the excluded zips checked at the time these orders were placed?

2) Have you compared the zips to the zip ranges in the excluded zips entry box to see if they would fall into one of these ranges? Perhaps these are new zips that aren't in this setting by default.

3) Did the orders have no shipping, or did they actually list the name of the Free Shipping option that you have configured? If they had no shipping option showing at all, then this is not a problem with the Free Shipping feature, it would be something else.

4) What version of ShopSite do you have?

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Joined: Fri Aug 04, 2006 12:02 pm
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