Froogle Rejection

General ShopSite user discussion

Froogle Rejection

Postby Rick » Sat Jun 02, 2007 9:22 am

Several weeks ago we uploaded (FTP) our datafeed from SS 8.3 and it was accepted. Then out of nowhere, (moon phase, blue moon, high tide??) we were informed the the upload was now dis-approved for the reasons stated in the text below.

Our store has main departments with text, limited descriptions, pricing etc and a link to the "more info" page with hi-def graphics, complete descriptions, etc. This format is consistent throughout the entire site. We obviously are missing something/somewhere any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you for submitting a bulk upload to Google Base. We've reviewed your bulk upload and need you to make changes. Your bulk upload has been disapproved due to the reason(s) listed below.
- Multiple items listed on the same page
- Multiple items listed on the same page: We've noticed some of the links you provided for your items lead to pages that lists other items as well. In order to provide a better user experience, we only accept links to item pages that list a single item. Please include URLs for pages specific to each item and remove from your bulk upload any items without individual pages.
After you've made the necessary change(s), please upload a new version of your bulk upload. We'll notify you if we need you to make any additional corrections. Otherwise, we'll send you an email to let you know that your bulk upload has been approved.
The Google Team
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Postby loren_d_c » Mon Jun 04, 2007 9:18 am

What do you have set for the 'Product URL (Landing Page)' in Merchandising -> Google -> Froogle -> Configure? If each of your products has its own more info page, sounds like you should set this to 'More Info Page' if it's not already. If it is, then perhaps you have a product to which you have assigned the same More Information Filename as another product?

Unless you can get Google to give you examples from the file of exactly what products they say had the same URL, it will be hard to guess what their problem is with it, especially if you have thousands of products.

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Postby elsparkodiablo » Mon Jun 04, 2007 9:44 pm

I got the same response, and figured it was pretty much what Loren said. Unfortunately, not every product has it's own More Info page and Froogle isn't exactly forthcoming as to what they want done to resolve it.

Short of generating a more info page for each product, that is.
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Postby loren_d_c » Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:33 am

Even if your products don't have a More Info Page their URL should still be unique because ShopSite will add the #[productid] to the end of the page URL to make it's URL different than the other products on the page. Also, since an anchor tag with this product id is output along with the product on the ShopSite-generated pages, that URL will take the shopper directly to the spot on the page where the product is.

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Froogle Rejection

Postby Rick » Tue Jun 05, 2007 9:54 am

We/I have taken all of the suggestions provided and made any ajustments/corrections that were appropriate. The feeds for both sites have been uploaded so now we wait for theuir evaluation and response.
This certainly would be a lot easier if they were willing to come down off their throne's and be a little more specific with their feedback however I realize that is difficult when you are omnipotent. Stay tuned and Thank You all very much for your time and assistance. This is a great resource.
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