more information page

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more information page

Postby jarodgan » Tue Apr 03, 2007 5:49 am

i copy Rounded-MoreInfoPage template and rename it to Procam-Rounded and make some chances to table colors.

on the products template, i change the [-- INCLUDE Rounded-MoreInfoPage PROCESS --] to [-- INCLUDE Procam-Rounded PROCESS --]

but nothing i do to the new template show up in preview or even after publishing it. wondering why? what did i miss here?

thank you
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Postby Jim » Tue Apr 03, 2007 6:22 am

Did you change the template that the product is using? Products > Select product from the list > Edit Product Layout > Template.

Also the way that template is built I think it relies on certain on certain colors and if one of those colors is not selected then it defaults to one color (don't remember which one). The reason this was done is because of the small images used for the rounded corners displayed on the page. The theme images supplied are only those for the color schemes provided by ShopSite. If you were to change the colors and it didn't match the images ShopSite provides the pages would look odd. You would need to create similar images and give them appropriate names and then change your template to use those names instead of the ShopSite ones.
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Postby jarodgan » Wed Apr 04, 2007 12:13 am

thanks jim,

realizing the round template is more complicated to customize, i change theme to gradient. everything look find except for the banner graphic. on the sample page the banner is on top left end on the page which is perfectly find. but it does not so my page. it appear at the body just before the "text 1" area.

I tried copy this tags to the top left end of the template file. and receive lots of error when publishing.

please help, why the graphic dis locate?

[-- IF PAGE.Graphic --]
[-- IF PAGE.DisplayGraphic "checked" --]
<img id="pageBannerGraphic" [-- page.graphic remove_html --] alt="[-- IMAGE Page.Graphic --]">
[-- END_IF --]
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Postby Jim » Wed Apr 04, 2007 7:58 am

You need an [-- END_IF --] for each [-- IF ...-] statement. The code you put in your message has two starting IF but only one END_IF. Is that an error in your copying to the forum message or is that actually what you put in the template? Try

[-- IF PAGE.Graphic --]
[-- IF PAGE.DisplayGraphic "checked" --]
<img id="pageBannerGraphic" [-- page.graphic remove_html --] alt="[-- IMAGE Page.Graphic --]">
[-- END_IF --]
[-- END_IF --]
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Postby jarodgan » Wed Apr 04, 2007 5:38 pm

oh sorry it was a copy to forum error.

this time i copy the tag from your post, and paste it at top left end of the template page, and when i publish, these error appear

Generating Page [58:ExpoCap]...
Procam-gradient [6]: Template Error: Page tag is not allowed
Procam-gradient [8]: Template Error: Page tag is not allowed
Procam-gradient [9]: Template Error: Page tag is not allowed
Procam-gradient [10]: Template Error: Page tag is not allowed
Procam-gradient [11]: Template Error: Page tag is not allowed
Procam-gradient [15]: Template Error: This VAR is not defined ThemeCSS

and this is how the tag as it appear in the template, i only paste the part with the graphic tags here:-

<table id="body">
<td colspan="[-- VAR.pa_colspan --]">

<span class="postbody">[-- IF PAGE.Graphic --]<br>
[-- IF PAGE.DisplayGraphic &quot;checked&quot; --]<br>
&lt;img id=&quot;pageBannerGraphic&quot; [-- page.graphic remove_html --]
alt=&quot;[-- IMAGE Page.Graphic --]&quot;&gt;<br>
[-- END_IF --]<br>
[-- END_IF --]</span>[-- IF PAGE.DisplayPageHeader --]
<div id="masthead">

<div id="univ-header">
[-- HEADER --]

<!-- end masthead -->
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Postby Jim » Wed Apr 04, 2007 7:50 pm

Sorry I didn't catch the Page.<field> issue. Since The moreinfo page is part of a product template it doesn't know what any Page.< field>s are.

If you are trying to display a particular page type graphic you will need to either pass it in as a VAR or hard code the image. For the HEADER/ FOOTER you can either make it into and INCLUDE file or hard code it in the template, you can't use the [-- HEADER --] or [-- FOOTER --] tags in a Product template.

If you are trying to display the products moreinformation graphic you need to use the [-- PRODUCT.MoreInformationGraphic --] tag.
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Postby jarodgan » Sat Apr 07, 2007 2:26 am

hi jim,

i choose don't show banner graphic and created banner image link in the header instead. that solve the banner issue for me.

please help me with this. in the gradient template, the search box is created at top right end of the page. if i want to move the search box to the left side of the page where rows of link to other pages are. what are the tag o tags that i should move. is there any issue that i should aware of.

thank in advance
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