Pre-Auhtorized Transactions

General ShopSite user discussion

Pre-Auhtorized Transactions

Postby stitches » Wed Oct 25, 2006 8:10 am

I am new to ShopSite and the pre-authorized transaction process, my old cart was VERY OLD and had no bells or whistles.

Question 1..Can you adjust the amount of a pre-authorized transaction..either up or down? My state requires that sales tax be charged to the county of the delivery address so unless I can make the county a mandatory selection I have had a couple of customers by-pass the sales tax.

Also, with pre-authorized can you capture only a part of it today and then another part in 2 or 3 days? This would be in the case of a back ordered item and doing partial shipments.
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Location: New York

Postby Jim » Wed Oct 25, 2006 3:23 pm

Preauthorizations are done by the payment gateway and I believe that they are for the exact amount of the order.

When you bill an order from within the ShopSite interface it is for the entire transaction and cannot be for a partial amount. Your payment gateway may have options for doing partial billings through the merchant interface they provide but this would be done outside of ShopSite.

More info on payment gateways and links to their sites can be found at: ... chant.html
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Postby stitches » Sat Mar 10, 2007 2:30 pm

I did find the answer to this but it was outside of ShopSite. You can decrease the amount of a pre-authorized charge but you can not increase the amount. It has to be done at the gateway terminal. So if a customer forgot something on an order they have to place another order, but you can adjust for the shipping. Guess it's better than no solution.
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Joined: Mon Sep 04, 2006 12:58 pm
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