credit card numbers rejected in

General ShopSite user discussion

credit card numbers rejected in

Postby marcea » Sun Mar 04, 2007 8:32 pm

not sure if anyone else has noticed this? i got a complaint from customer last week that her valid credit card number was being rejected as invalid by ShopSite Shopping Cart. i just ran into it tonight when trying to enter an order on behalf of a customer. the card is not rejected when you click on "proceed to confirmation" out of the Check Out page, but when you click on "submit" from the Confirmation page, the error message occurs.

now maybe this is a freak coincidence of 2 cards in the few days since upgrade, and never a problem reported before...but just checking?
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Postby loren_d_c » Mon Mar 05, 2007 9:06 am

Note that it sounds like you are using a real-time credit card processor gateway, and in that case it would not be ShopSite rejecting the credit card, but rather your cc processor. If you are still receiving other credit card orders, then my bet would be that the cards really weren't good, or the card info was entered incorrectly for these two orders.

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