by beley » Mon Feb 12, 2007 7:43 pm
Yes, I have tested it in both Safari and FF on a mac. I'm actually using a mac. I have been working on a complete redesign of 2BF and haven't rewritten that code yet, which is why I said it's pretty outdated (the popup.htm doesn't even have a doctype!)
But, if you have any JS knowledge you could probably get it to work successfully.
It does work automatically - we set the large image through the Product Field 1 tag in ShopSite. This was in use WAY before the image resizer feature was even a twinkle in ShopSite's eye.
The name of the script is a holdover from whoever it was from. Never changed it. Yes, it needs some work... but it could easily be brought up to standards and made to work with the new feature in ShopSite. I'll be doing just that in the new redesign of 2BF, but I can't say when it'll be done. If you have a knowledge of ShopSite & JavaScript and have a desire to get it working, you could take it upon yourself.
I posted the code more as a reference to get you started than anything. Use it to build on, or don't.
All the best,
Brandon Eley
Certified ShopSite Designer