by loren_d_c » Sat Feb 10, 2007 7:39 pm
As Rob mentions, the " PKIX path validation failed: basic constraints check failed: pathLenConstraint violated - this cert must be the last cert in the certification path" error would be an error caused by the secure certificate on your server, which is a hosting issue, not a ShopSite issue. The Google callback is unable to even reach the ShopSite thankyou.cgi at this point because of the cert issues.
FYI, if by "the Notification Callback URL ID changing constantally in Shopsite" you are referring to the gbstoreid value in the Notification Callback URL displayed to you in the ShopSite settings for Google Checkout, this is NOT an issue. Each time ShopSite displays this encrypted value it will appear differently, however each of the different values still maps back to your same ShopSite storeid (your login name) so it doesn't matter that it 'appears' to be different in encrypted form. The version of this encrypted value you saw when you entered the URL in Google Checkout will still work for Google Checkout later, even if you see a different encrypted version of it when you go back and look at the ShopSite screen. Note that this only applies to the gbstoreid value, if other aspects of your callback URL are changed by your hosting company (for example, if they move your store from the 'ss8.1' directory to a 'ss8.2' directory later when they upgrade you to a new ShopSite version, then this WOULD require you to update the setting in your Google Checkout account with the new callback URL with that new 'ss8.2' directory in the path.