Product No Weight

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Product No Weight

Postby hiamps » Thu Jan 18, 2007 6:06 pm

About twice a day I get an email telling me that product:
has no weight....It never says what the product is and I can't seem to find a product with no name....
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Postby Jim » Thu Jan 18, 2007 7:53 pm

There is an option on the UPS and FedEx shipping configuration (Commerce Setup> Shipping > click the Configure button by UPS and Fedex. that will show you a list of all product that don't have a weight. There is also an option to configure whether to send the no weight email or not.
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Postby hiamps » Fri Jan 19, 2007 10:52 am

Jim wrote:There is an option on the UPS and FedEx shipping configuration (Commerce Setup> Shipping > click the Configure button by UPS and Fedex. that will show you a list of all product that don't have a weight. There is also an option to configure whether to send the no weight email or not.

Thank you I found it, unfortunately it is all the products I listed as that are not for sale but are used to list subproducts. I sell candle fragrance by different weights and have the scent as a header and list the different sizes as subproducts. But at least I know what is is finally.
Also I have a product that weighs 400 lbs and shopsite doesn't like that a bit. I can not change the weight so anyone have any ideas???
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Postby loren_d_c » Fri Jan 19, 2007 11:12 am

a weight of 400 lbs should not be a problem. Just make sure that all you have in the weight field is the number, not 'lbs' or 'pounds' etc.

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Postby hiamps » Fri Jan 19, 2007 12:35 pm

loren_d_c wrote:a weight of 400 lbs should not be a problem. Just make sure that all you have in the weight field is the number, not 'lbs' or 'pounds' etc.


Actually I think it is because FedEx does not accept packages that heavy, We have "call for freight charge" on the product description...I called FedEx earlier. Thanks for your help, Shopsite is working great for us!!!! The orders keep pouring in....Here is the message I get...

Products with Zero Weight or Weight over 150 LBS
Invalid weight values were entered for the products below. Please check for invalid characters, incorrect numeric format, or values greater than the weight limit.

Name SKU Weight (lbs)
Plastic Tea Light Cups - 40,000
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