I need to upgrade my version of ShopSite, and also migrate to a new server. I was told that the usual way of doing this is to upgrade the version on the "old" server first, which I have done successfully. The next step is to install the new version on the "new" server, using the new server's ip in the "hosts" file. My browser now points to the "new" server, I can tell because the website design there is totally different than on the "old" server.
My problem is, when I try navigating to the cgi-bin/install/wwwinstall.cgi file on the "new" server, I get a "404 Page Not Found" error. No matter what I do - I have even gone into the cpanel - File Manager - navigate to the wwwinstall.cgi file (which is really there) and click on the URL link to the file, the browser comes up with the "404" error. This must be due to the wwwinstall.cgi file containing a symbolic link that is not working, or something like that.
How can I get around this problem?