ShopSite vs. Order Manager Calculations

General ShopSite user discussion

ShopSite vs. Order Manager Calculations

Postby lbohen » Thu Nov 09, 2006 9:24 am

We offer an additional 5% off during our online ordering process for order $100 or more. We also offer a few coupons.

We are finding that when a customer includes a coupon for an order $100 or more, that the ShopSite calculations are different than those done by Order Manager when the ShopSite order is imported.

We also find that Order Manager calculates shipping costs differently in the above scenario.

Has anyone else noticed these different calculations?
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Postby Jim » Fri Nov 10, 2006 10:08 pm

Order Manager should not need to do any calculations on a ShopSite order since the information in the order download is what the shopper actually paid. So talk to Stone Edge about this issue.
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ShopSite vs. Order Manager Calculations

Postby lbohen » Sat Nov 11, 2006 4:41 am

In that we seem to be the only ShopSite users experiencing the calculation issue, is it possible that the issue is unique to us and/or our PC configurations?

You mention that OM shouldn't be calculating and showing anything different than the ShopSite numbers, but it does calculate.

We only charge upon shipping an order so the customer hasn't paid based on the ShopSite numbers.
Larry Bohen - Audiobooks Online
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Postby Barney Stone » Mon Nov 13, 2006 7:56 am

Larry -

Calculations that include multiple discounts can get very complicated. For example, which gets calculated first: the coupon or the additional 5% off? Does either affect shipping charges? Are taxes calculated on the pre- or post- discount amount? How is rounding of fractions of a penny handled? Jim is right - you should contact our support staff for help with your problem.
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