Why is an order "bad" (iorder.[ordernumber].bad)

General ShopSite user discussion

Why is an order "bad" (iorder.[ordernumber].bad)

Postby basiclink.com » Wed Nov 08, 2006 4:40 pm

We get inquiries from our customers because they will get an order email from the cart but when they go into the backend the order doesn't appear.

Looking in data/ip directory shows the order with an extension of ".bad".

I remember hearing that this was because the cart somehow thought he order was bad but I would like more details so I can tell our customers.

I searched the forums and knowledge base but didn't see anything.

Thanks in advance,
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Postby Jim » Wed Nov 08, 2006 9:31 pm

An iorder.<ordernum>.bad indicates that something in the file can't be read or unencrypted. This can happen if the file is some how corrupted. It can also happen if the storeid and or serial number for your store has changed I.e. your host moved the store to a different server and created a new authfile when they moved it. It can also happen in certain situations (Windows OS and older versions of ShopSite) if you were allowed to log into the store with a non-case sensitive storeid. I.E. your storeid in the .auth file is mystore but you logged in as MYSTORE.
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