Digital Download product's options not working

General ShopSite user discussion

Digital Download product's options not working

Postby mthierfelder » Thu Oct 12, 2006 11:31 am

I have set up and began testing some products for digital downloads. For some reason, the XML export is not exporting any of the opions associated with the items. If I change the items Type to "Tangible" then it works fine.

Is there any way to work this? This is critical for importing the XML feed into Stone Edge Order we are using their Build-SKU's option based on the items' options. Its kind of complicated but the bottom line is that we MUST have the options exported with the XML feed for it to work.

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Postby loren_d_c » Thu Oct 12, 2006 11:52 am

What version of ShopSite do you have? Note that the current version is v8.1.3.1. If this is not the version that you have, perhaps you should try your tests on a demo store that is the latest version and see if the issue is resolved in the latest version. You can sign up for a v8.1.3.1 demo at:

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Postby mthierfelder » Thu Oct 12, 2006 11:56 am

How do I find out which version we are using? I know we are at least with version 8....not sure exactly though.

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Postby mthierfelder » Tue Oct 17, 2006 10:21 am

I tried the demo of the latest Shopsite build. Still, the XML file that gets exported doesn't have any options if the product type is "download".

This is a real problem, any chance this can get a "hotfix"?

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Postby Jim » Tue Oct 17, 2006 6:26 pm

To find the version of ShopSite you are using click on the green ShopSite tab and in the footer between the ShopSite logos it will say the product level, storeID and version.

The issue has been sent to the engineers but I haven't heard any word from them as to why it doesn't include the order options or when a fix will be available.
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