SQL database save and publish issue with 8.1

General ShopSite user discussion

SQL database save and publish issue with 8.1

Postby leonebd » Wed Sep 27, 2006 5:38 pm

We have just upgraded our 3 large websites over to shopsite pro 8.1 and while we had issues with the old database and thought this would be much stronger the new sql database is taking forever to save a product or page change and to publish can take 15 minutes or more. Under 8.0.2 the techos compacted all our databases to avoid major corruption issues - are they meant to do it again? and will it speed things up?
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Postby ShopSite David » Wed Oct 04, 2006 3:36 pm

There is still a compact database option in 8.1 but as you've noted this is now compacting an SQL db instead of the older proprietary ShopSite DBs so it may have no effect on performance. In the latest maintenance update for there were some performance improvements for Publish. I do not know of any changes that would improve the performance of saving a page. When you upgraded did you also change or upgrade anything else such as moving to a new server? Saving a page should not take very long.
-David H.
ShopSite, Inc.
ShopSite David
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