Forum Request

General ShopSite user discussion

Forum Request

Postby Jared » Sun Aug 06, 2006 7:49 am

Not really a ShopSite enhancement request... but can you turn on forum subscriptions in phpBB? It'd be really nice to subscribe to the entire forum and receive each post via email...
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Location: Boulder Junction, WI

Postby loren_d_c » Mon Aug 07, 2006 12:12 pm

I don't think that 'subscribing' to an entire forum is a feature in phpbb, at least not the base program (maybe there is a module). You can put a 'watch' on a particular topic (thread) that will email you when there are replies in that topic, and if you post a reply to a topic or post a new topic you can indicate if you want to be notified of all replies in that topic at that point, as well. Perhaps the reason there is not a 'watch' feature for an entire forum is the huge amount of outgoing email that could potentially generate.

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Postby Jared » Tue Aug 08, 2006 6:47 am

You're right - phpBB doesn't (in the default install) support forum-wide subscriptions (unlike most other forum software, like vBulletin or Snitz). However, forum-wide subscriptions are pretty common (I use them to get emailed posts on about 10 forums I watch, which results in hundreds of emails daily)... yes, it increases the email load going out from the forum server, but it's a great feature for someone who wants to read every post on the forum, but not have to remember to come here and figure out what's new.

Looking on phpBB's list of addons, there are quite a few that support forum-wide subscriptions... so, if you ever do any modding to phpBB, it'd be really nice if it included adding forum-wide subscriptions :)
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Location: Boulder Junction, WI

Postby loren_d_c » Tue Aug 08, 2006 9:41 am

There is an RSS feed, so if you have an RSS-capable mail client you can set it up to draw from

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Postby Jared » Tue Aug 08, 2006 6:54 pm


Thanks! That will work perfectly for my needs!
Posts: 4
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Location: Boulder Junction, WI

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