Shopsite Data Directory

General ShopSite user discussion

Shopsite Data Directory

Postby Craig » Wed May 10, 2006 1:26 pm

I edited the .aa file in order to run the store from the root instead of
the store directory as I have seen other stores.

Everything seems to work fine except for the search results. Shopsite
still wants to insert the store directory into the URL's.

Is there another file that I need to edit to correct this?

Thanks in advance for your help.


Re: Shopsite Data Directory

Postby loren_d_c » Wed May 10, 2006 1:55 pm


The directory that ShopSite writes HTML to can be controlled through the
outputdir token in the .aa file, however the associated URL for this
comes from the .auth license file, and this file is not editable. You
will need to make a request to your host/ShopSite reseller to get a
replacement .auth file that does not include the /store directory on the
authorized URL.


Craig wrote:
I edited the .aa file in order to run the store from the root instead of
the store directory as I have seen other stores.

Everything seems to work fine except for the search results. Shopsite
still wants to insert the store directory into the URL's.

Is there another file that I need to edit to correct this?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Posts: 2572
Joined: Fri Aug 04, 2006 12:02 pm
Location: Anywhere

Re: Shopsite Data Directory

Postby Jay Guliano » Wed May 10, 2006 3:22 pm

What is the advantage of setting up the server in this manner?

Jay Guliano

"Loren" <> wrote in message

The directory that ShopSite writes HTML to can be controlled through the
outputdir token in the .aa file, however the associated URL for this
comes from the .auth license file, and this file is not editable. You
will need to make a request to your host/ShopSite reseller to get a
replacement .auth file that does not include the /store directory on the
authorized URL.


Craig wrote:
I edited the .aa file in order to run the store from the root instead of
the store directory as I have seen other stores.

Everything seems to work fine except for the search results. Shopsite
still wants to insert the store directory into the URL's.

Is there another file that I need to edit to correct this?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Jay Guliano

Re: Shopsite Data Directory

Postby Craig » Thu May 11, 2006 7:27 am

Jay Guliano wrote:
What is the advantage of setting up the server in this manner?

Hi Jay,

It allows you to run the store from your root directory and eliminates
the store directory from the URL. If your store is your website this
makes sense to me.

Re: Shopsite Data Directory

Postby Randall Rensch » Fri Jul 21, 2006 8:13 am

Verio Shared Hosting has just told me (Jul 21) that they CANNOT do
this for customers on shared-hosting ShopSite plans.

A total bummer. Until discovering this thread, I've been going in
circles trying to figure out how to replicate the architecture of the
store I'm converting ( Several reps knew I wanted
to duplicate the existing store and had seen it before I opened the
ShopSite account. Nobody mentioned this limitation.

=== N Y C L O C A T I O N =============================
Randall Rensch Marketing Communication Concepts... and copywriting
"Common Sense, Uncommonly Presented"
8355 Austin Street 4F, Kew Gardens, NY 11415 + 1 718-577-0005

"Craig" <> wrote in message
Jay Guliano wrote:
What is the advantage of setting up the server in this manner?

Hi Jay,

It allows you to run the store from your root directory and
eliminates the store directory from the URL. If your store is your
website this makes sense to me.
Randall Rensch

Re: Shopsite Data Directory

Postby Randall » Mon Jul 24, 2006 7:47 pm

A happy correction. Verio *is* able to make the change, but they do
not consider it standard procedure. Possibly they are doing this
because we are converting an existing Verio store that had a different
cart vendor.

It requires Verio to obtain the necessary file from ShopSite, Inc., so
it takes awhile. If it will be important to place your store pages in
your root directory, I suggest discussing it with Verio before opening
the account rather than after.

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