Gift boxing charge

General ShopSite user discussion

Gift boxing charge

Postby Heartsmith » Fri Jun 02, 2006 11:07 am

Hi, I'm trying to find the best way to add a charge for a gift box to any
order who wishes it. I"m guessing it would be best in the shopping cart as
an add on as the customer checks out. Is this possible? Has anyone done it
this way or any another way that works well?


Re: Gift boxing charge

Postby jim » Sat Jun 03, 2006 7:31 am

If you have a ShopSite Pro store you could use the "Surcharge" feature. ... harge.html

You could also create a product that is "Gift Box". They create an
OrderAnywhere link and put it in one of the text fields of the shopping
cart. When they click the link the Gift Box would be added to the
shopping cart.


Heartsmith wrote:
Hi, I'm trying to find the best way to add a charge for a gift box to any
order who wishes it. I"m guessing it would be best in the shopping cart as
an add on as the customer checks out. Is this possible? Has anyone done it
this way or any another way that works well?


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