PRODUCT.Fields question

General ShopSite user discussion

PRODUCT.Fields question

Postby Mister.44 » Mon Apr 17, 2006 11:40 pm

Are the PRODUCT.Fields allowed to be used in the more-info pages? I am
getting errors ( Template Error: Page tag is Illegal for this type of
template )

They are not showing up, so I am wondering if this is the problem. I hope
not - as it is a PRODUCT field in a PRODUCT page.

thanks for the help!

- Steve Novak, The Man in the Machine! (AKA Mister.44)
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Re: PRODUCT.Fields question

Postby loren_d_c » Tue Apr 18, 2006 12:20 am

The PRODUCT.Field1 through Field5 tags are perfectly legal in the DEFINE
MORE_INFO_PAGE section of a product template. It's probably some other
tag that is causing the error. The error message should include the line
number of the template where the error was encountered (at least in a
modern version of ShopSite) so you can load the template in any text
editor that will show you line numbers (Notepad has a 'go to...'
function that will take you to a specific line number) and fine the tag
that it causing the error that way.


Mister.44 wrote:
Are the PRODUCT.Fields allowed to be used in the more-info pages? I am
getting errors ( Template Error: Page tag is Illegal for this type of
template )

They are not showing up, so I am wondering if this is the problem. I hope
not - as it is a PRODUCT field in a PRODUCT page.

thanks for the help!

- Steve Novak, The Man in the Machine! (AKA Mister.44)
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Re: PRODUCT.Fields question

Postby Mister.44 » Tue Apr 18, 2006 8:47 pm

Ah - I found the culprit. I knew about the line numbers - but for some
reason was looking at the source of the page, not the template (doh).

Found it - [-- PrevNext NoCenter --] - no no.

I still am having issues haveing the proudct fields showing up, but I still
have some things to try before I ask for more help.


- Steve Novak, The Man in the Machine! (AKA Mister.44)
Web design - From the FUTURE! --- ---
Choose the Robot for your Web Design, Graphic Design, and Creative
Consulting challenges.
Ph: (816) 737-8378 - Email:

"Loren" <> wrote in message
The PRODUCT.Field1 through Field5 tags are perfectly legal in the DEFINE
MORE_INFO_PAGE section of a product template. It's probably some other
tag that is causing the error. The error message should include the line
number of the template where the error was encountered (at least in a
modern version of ShopSite) so you can load the template in any text
editor that will show you line numbers (Notepad has a 'go to...'
function that will take you to a specific line number) and fine the tag
that it causing the error that way.


Mister.44 wrote:
Are the PRODUCT.Fields allowed to be used in the more-info pages? I am
getting errors ( Template Error: Page tag is Illegal for this type of
template )

They are not showing up, so I am wondering if this is the problem. I hope
not - as it is a PRODUCT field in a PRODUCT page.

thanks for the help!

- Steve Novak, The Man in the Machine! (AKA Mister.44)
Web design - From the FUTURE! --- ---
Choose the Robot for your Web Design, Graphic Design, and Creative
Consulting challenges.
Ph: (816) 737-8378 - Email:


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