Thank you - return to store problem

General ShopSite user discussion

Thank you - return to store problem

Postby David Gray » Sat Mar 18, 2006 11:02 am

The Commerce Setup "Thank you" screen includes an anchor link to return to
the store. I'd like to put a test here to direct the customer back to one of
two places depending on which of two web pages they originally came from. Is
this possible?

I tried embedding some PHP here inside <?PHP ?> tags to check my session
variable but the tags were not interpreted. Can I not embed PHP here?


David P. Gray
Gray Design Associates
David Gray

Re: Thank you - return to store problem

Postby Rob » Sat Mar 18, 2006 11:46 am

You cannot embed php code on the thank you screen since that page is
generated from a CGI script. You can use an order API script to output
links/text at the top of the receipt page, or use Javascript to detect user
information or query the javascript variables ShopSite includes. You could
also use the "CALL" tag in a custom cart template to call a perl/php script
as well.


"David Gray" <> wrote in message
The Commerce Setup "Thank you" screen includes an anchor link to return to
the store. I'd like to put a test here to direct the customer back to one
two places depending on which of two web pages they originally came from.
this possible?

I tried embedding some PHP here inside <?PHP ?> tags to check my session
variable but the tags were not interpreted. Can I not embed PHP here?

Re: Thank you - return to store problem

Postby David Gray » Sun Mar 19, 2006 7:07 am

Ok, having shopping cart variables accessible via javascript completely
solves my problem. I'd totally forgotten these were available on each page.
I can tell where they came from by what's in the cart. Thanks Rob!


David P. Gray
Gray Design Associates
"Rob" <> wrote in message
You cannot embed php code on the thank you screen since that page is
generated from a CGI script. You can use an order API script to output
links/text at the top of the receipt page, or use Javascript to detect
information or query the javascript variables ShopSite includes. You could
also use the "CALL" tag in a custom cart template to call a perl/php
as well.


"David Gray" <> wrote in message
The Commerce Setup "Thank you" screen includes an anchor link to return
the store. I'd like to put a test here to direct the customer back to
two places depending on which of two web pages they originally came
this possible?

I tried embedding some PHP here inside <?PHP ?> tags to check my session
variable but the tags were not interpreted. Can I not embed PHP here?

David Gray

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