Has anybody gotten the google analytics conversion/commerce tracking to work
yet with shopsite?
I read the thread above about getting the regulare analytics code into the
header, but I'm wondering if anybody has implemented the advanced conversion
tracking code that lets you track which keywords earned you the most money,
# of visitors per sale, etc?
From what I understand, it may be possible to use the javascript variables
in the HEAD section:
http://www.shopsite.com/help/7.1/en-US/ ... ables.html
But I'm not sure how to pull that javascript data out of the HEAD and put it
in the fields below.
This is from the Google Analytics help page:
http://adwords.google.com/support/bin/a ... 7203&hl=en
---from Google---
Next, somewhere in the receipt below the tracking code, the following lines
need to be written by your engine. Everything in brackets should be replaced
by actual values, as described in the Parameter Reference, below.
<body onLoad="javascript:__utmSetTrans()">
<form style="display:none;" name="utmform">
<textarea id="utmtrans">UTM:T|[order-id]|[affiliation]|
[total]|[tax]| [shipping]|[city]|[state]|[country]
[quantity] </textarea>
NOTE: do not include the square brackets when setting the values for the
form! Please see the example below for a sample of what the data should look
UTM:T|34535|Main Store|143.05|3.05|10.00|San Diego|CA|USA
UTM:I|34535|XF-1024|Urchin T-Shirt|Shirts|10.00|9 UTM:I|34535|CU-3424|Urchin
Drink Holder|Accessories|20.00|2
Within the hidden form, there are two types of lines: the transaction line
and the item lines. For each transaction, there should be only one
transaction line, which is indicated by the "T" immediately after the
"UTM:". This line specifies the total for the transaction, including any
taxes or shipping costs, and other information. For each item in the
receipt, create an item line, which is specified by the "I". The Item lines
can contain product names, codes, unit prices and quantities. There is no
limit to the number of item lines per transaction.
Parameter Reference
Transaction line variables
[order-id] Your internal unique order id number
[affiliation] Optional partner or store affilation
[total] Total dollar amount of the transaction
[tax] Tax amount of the transaction
[shipping] The shipping amount of the transaction
[city] City to correlate the transaction with
[state/region] State or province
[country] Country
Item line variables
[order-id] Your internal unique order id number (should be same as
transaction line)
[sku/code] Product SKU code
[product name] Product name or description
[category] Category of the product or variation
[price] Unit-price of the product
[quantity] Quantity ordered