custom fields for gift wrapping (Paypal)

General ShopSite user discussion

custom fields for gift wrapping (Paypal)

Postby Don Lundell » Wed Oct 19, 2005 1:16 pm

This Shopsite page about custom fields describes a gift wrapping example..

Along with the custom form fields, you add wording like "A $5 charge will be added
to your order". This works fine, except I think, with Paypal - as the total is a
fixed amount sent from Paypal.

Has anyone dealt with this problem? Or is is possible that I'm wrong? (I hope.)


- dc
Don Lundell

Re: custom fields for gift wrapping (Paypal)

Postby jim » Wed Oct 19, 2005 1:26 pm

Don Lundell wrote:
This Shopsite page about custom fields describes a gift wrapping example.

Along with the custom form fields, you add wording like "A $5 charge
will be added
to your order". This works fine, except I think, with Paypal - as the
total is a
fixed amount sent from Paypal.

Has anyone dealt with this problem? Or is is possible that I'm wrong?
(I hope.)


- dc
Note this comment in the help where the example you mention is shown:

"This example mentions a $5 charge for gift wrap, but the merchant must
add that manually. ShopSite does not automatically adjust amounts in the
shopping cart based on customer selections in custom checkout fields."

If you want to add something like a gift wrapping charge that would be
better done using the Surcharge feature under Commerce Setup > Order
System > Shopping cart.

You are right that you would have a hard time getting the extra $5 since
it isn't added into the shopping cart total.


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