default Shopping Cart css page conflicting with mine

General ShopSite user discussion

default Shopping Cart css page conflicting with mine

Postby Liver Kid » Fri Oct 07, 2005 9:17 am

I'm using Shopsite 7 Manager and can't seem to get my Shopping Cart,
Checkout Stand and Thank You pages to look correct.

In the Shop Site control Panel, under Commerce Setup/Order
System/ShoppingCart there is a field called "Text that appears at the top of
the Shopping Cart Screen" and another field that is called "Text that
appears at the bottom of the shopping cart page." These fields accept HTML

This page: is reflective of how I
want the Shopping cart, etc. pages to look. The empty ortion in the middle
is where the Shopping Cart, etc. content will go. This page works perfect in
FireFox, Internet Explorer and Netscape.

Looking at this page in Dreamweaver, I copy everything from just inside the
middle table and paste it into the field called "Text that appears at the
top of the Shopping Cart Screen" and likewise for the Checkout Stand and
Thank You pages. I do the appropriate similar action for the bottom of the

The coloring of the resulting pages is off. In Firefox and Netscape, the
light pink background is in place, but the darker "chocolate" background is
missing. In Internet Explorer, the dark chocolate color is the entire
background and the pink is missing. This is despite the fact that the page
mentioned above works perfect in all three browsers.

Upon a "view source" of one of the resulting pages, it appears that there is
a default Shop Site CSS file that is conflicting with mine. A file called
"<style type="text/css">"seems to be the problem as far as I can tell. Is
this the problem, and if so, how do I keep this conflict from happening? If
this isn't the problem, what is?

Liver Kid

Re: default Shopping Cart css page conflicting with mine

Postby jim » Fri Oct 07, 2005 10:28 am

There are several start and end <html><body> etc tags in the file. When
you copied you page and inserted it those element should have been
omitted since the template will already have them. There may be other
issues with tables that are in your html that don't merge correctly with
the ones in the template.

You should run the page source through an html checker and make sure
that you don't have nesting issues that could be causing the problems. I
use the html checker at


Liver Kid wrote:
I'm using Shopsite 7 Manager and can't seem to get my Shopping Cart,
Checkout Stand and Thank You pages to look correct.

In the Shop Site control Panel, under Commerce Setup/Order
System/ShoppingCart there is a field called "Text that appears at the top of
the Shopping Cart Screen" and another field that is called "Text that
appears at the bottom of the shopping cart page." These fields accept HTML

This page: is reflective of how I
want the Shopping cart, etc. pages to look. The empty ortion in the middle
is where the Shopping Cart, etc. content will go. This page works perfect in
FireFox, Internet Explorer and Netscape.

Looking at this page in Dreamweaver, I copy everything from just inside the
middle table and paste it into the field called "Text that appears at the
top of the Shopping Cart Screen" and likewise for the Checkout Stand and
Thank You pages. I do the appropriate similar action for the bottom of the

The coloring of the resulting pages is off. In Firefox and Netscape, the
light pink background is in place, but the darker "chocolate" background is
missing. In Internet Explorer, the dark chocolate color is the entire
background and the pink is missing. This is despite the fact that the page
mentioned above works perfect in all three browsers.

Upon a "view source" of one of the resulting pages, it appears that there is
a default Shop Site CSS file that is conflicting with mine. A file called
"<style type="text/css">"seems to be the problem as far as I can tell. Is
this the problem, and if so, how do I keep this conflict from happening? If
this isn't the problem, what is?



Re: default Shopping Cart css page conflicting with mine

Postby Liver Kid » Fri Oct 07, 2005 1:36 pm

Jim, thanks for your help.

Ok, I validated the template page I created
( through two different validators
including the one you provided and this one: and it
comes out clean.

I then copy and pasted the code into the Shop Site control panel minus the
body and html elements that come with the page I created.

I viewed the shopping cart page and still have the same issues. I ran that
page through the same two validators and am coming up with numerous errors,
some that I can control and some that I can't. Ones that I can control
include things such as removing the head, html and body tags from my code as
well as all meta tags, etc.

One item it is asking me to change that I am about changing, is it wants me
to remove the link to my CSS file. I'd really rather not do that if I don't
have to.In addition, there are numerous references to table end tags being
omitted, end tags for elements that are not open, no attribute "wrap",
statements like... document type does not allow element "INPUT" here, and
so on. These all concern me and since end tags, etc. are not ommitted in my
document it make me think they are Shop Site elements taht I can't remove.

Any thoughts?


"jim" <> wrote in message
There are several start and end <html><body> etc tags in the file. When
you copied you page and inserted it those element should have been
omitted since the template will already have them. There may be other
issues with tables that are in your html that don't merge correctly with
the ones in the template.

You should run the page source through an html checker and make sure
that you don't have nesting issues that could be causing the problems. I
use the html checker at


Liver Kid wrote:
I'm using Shopsite 7 Manager and can't seem to get my Shopping Cart,
Checkout Stand and Thank You pages to look correct.

In the Shop Site control Panel, under Commerce Setup/Order
System/ShoppingCart there is a field called "Text that appears at the
top of
the Shopping Cart Screen" and another field that is called "Text that
appears at the bottom of the shopping cart page." These fields accept

This page: is reflective of how
want the Shopping cart, etc. pages to look. The empty ortion in the
is where the Shopping Cart, etc. content will go. This page works
perfect in
FireFox, Internet Explorer and Netscape.

Looking at this page in Dreamweaver, I copy everything from just inside
middle table and paste it into the field called "Text that appears at
top of the Shopping Cart Screen" and likewise for the Checkout Stand and
Thank You pages. I do the appropriate similar action for the bottom of

The coloring of the resulting pages is off. In Firefox and Netscape, the
light pink background is in place, but the darker "chocolate" background
missing. In Internet Explorer, the dark chocolate color is the entire
background and the pink is missing. This is despite the fact that the
mentioned above works perfect in all three browsers.

Upon a "view source" of one of the resulting pages, it appears that
there is
a default Shop Site CSS file that is conflicting with mine. A file
"<style type="text/css">"seems to be the problem as far as I can tell.
this the problem, and if so, how do I keep this conflict from happening?
this isn't the problem, what is?


Liver Kid

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