Partial Credit Card Billing / - Help!!!

General ShopSite user discussion

Partial Credit Card Billing / - Help!!!

Postby » Tue Sep 20, 2005 11:16 am

I fell into a trap and badly need help.

We use for credit card processing. We had a multi-item order,
for which one of the items was on back order.

We shipped everything except the one item right away, and I logged into to bill the credit card for the portion of the items we sold.
My understanding is that we're not allowed to charge the card for items
until they ship, so I didn't just do a full billing through ShopSite.

Several weeks later, when the backordered item is available, we're ready to
ship it and I realize I have no way to charge the card for the remaining
balance as I don't have the card number. did not save the
remaining balance of the original authorization, it doesn't provide the card
number, ShopSite doesn't store the number, etc.

I may have to call the customer, but that's slightly embarrassing.

How do you all handle orders that get shipped in different stages as far as
billing the card? Any tips on how I can get the card number without calling
the customer?

Thanks! What a rookie mistake!

Kory Barrett
Dance Depot ­ Performance Dancewear at Discount Prices!!!

Re: Partial Credit Card Billing / - Help!!!

Postby » Tue Sep 20, 2005 11:29 am

I found one fix myself. I downloaded the orders and was able to get the card
number. But is this the only way?



I fell into a trap and badly need help.

We use for credit card processing. We had a multi-item order,
for which one of the items was on back order.

We shipped everything except the one item right away, and I logged into to bill the credit card for the portion of the items we sold.
My understanding is that we're not allowed to charge the card for items
until they ship, so I didn't just do a full billing through ShopSite.

Several weeks later, when the backordered item is available, we're ready to
ship it and I realize I have no way to charge the card for the remaining
balance as I don't have the card number. did not save the
remaining balance of the original authorization, it doesn't provide the card
number, ShopSite doesn't store the number, etc.

I may have to call the customer, but that's slightly embarrassing.

How do you all handle orders that get shipped in different stages as far as
billing the card? Any tips on how I can get the card number without calling
the customer?

Thanks! What a rookie mistake!

Kory Barrett
Dance Depot ­ Performance Dancewear at Discount Prices!!!

Kory Barrett
Dance Depot ­ Performance Dancewear at Discount Prices!!!

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