Hello Drew,
take a look at the source code of your shopping cart, you will see that
there is a <form> tag enclosing the main part of the page, it starts where
you find this line:
<form name="order" class="order"
I would think that within this <form> </form> area you will not be able to
have an order anywhere link.
But you can try to put your order anywhere link in the -> Commerce setup ->
Order system -> Shopping cart -> Text at the top of the Shopping Cart screen
and/or -> Text at the bottom of the Shopping Cart screen.
The top of the page and the footer are outside the <form> tag and therefore
it should work. I have a search box at the top of the shopping cart screen
and it works.
Best regards from Germany,
"Drew" <drew@zoppdesign.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
Is it by chance possible to use an OrderAnywhere link ON the Shopping
Cart page, so that it automatically adds the product to the cart?
In my attempt to do this, I am receiving an auth file error (even though
I am using the [-- STORE.ID --] tag as part of the OrderAnywhere link in
the Shopping Cart template).
Can products only be added to the cart from outside the Shopping Cart?