Save shopping cart or products clipboard functionality in SS

General ShopSite user discussion

Save shopping cart or products clipboard functionality in SS

Postby Nikolaus Gruchot » Mon Jun 13, 2005 10:01 am

Hi all,

are there any plans to have a "Save Shopping Cart" and "Email Shopping Cart"
functionality added in SS 8.x?

One could then save the shopping cart contents for x days and access it by
entering a reference number or logging into the customer account on a
different computer. A filled shopping cart could the also be emailed to
another person. E.g. I do assemble a cart with different products for a
friend or a collegue and email him/her the cart, so that the other person
can open the cart with everything ready to finialze the order. Very useful,
when a customer needs specific items, puts them into the cart and emails the
cart to the purchase person in the company, who will finalize the order
uding the companies credit card...

Another thing is the clipboard functionality as seen @ amazon. One can put
products either in the cart for immediate purchase or on the clipboard for
later reference or purchase when returniing to the shop...


Nikolaus Gruchot

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