Define the pixel height and width for textareas on the shopping cart
screen. I wish I knew the specific CSS for that, but I don't.
Rick wrote:
(Hypothetically) how would one use CSS to make this work?
Thank you and have a great day,
Wizard Empire Inc
Rick Steven"Loren" <> wrote in message
1) This is a user forum, not a source of official technical support.
Anyone can answer a question here, including merchants, designers,
resellers, integrators, ShopSite employees, etc. ShopSite employees do so
when they have time and have input, not necessarily as part of their job.
If people start demanding that I post a response to every question, then
I will have to stop posting altogether.
2) The answer to this, as you already mentioned, is probably CSS. I am
not a CSS expert, and CSS is not a ShopSite-specific function. There are
probably others (like a CSS designer, for example) who would know more
about this than I do, or who could consult a book on CSS just as easily.
Don't get me wrong, I do like helping people when I can, I just don't
have the exact CSS for you to use at my fingertips, so you might want to
pose your question to someone who might know more about it.
joe boom wrote:
Nope, and as a newbie here, I'm puzzled as to why Loren or other
Shopsite people didn't answer my first and only request for help. Maybe
it was a dumb question. .
"Rick" <> wrote in message
Have you figured out a solution to this yet?
Thank you and have a great day,
Wizard Empire Inc
Rick Steven"Jeff Singer" <> wrote in message
I'm new here. We're adopting our old site to use Shopsite's Buy
We sell medical apparel often customized with the customer's name and
title for an extra charge based on
how many lines of embroidery are required. Variables also include
color and letting style. This is difficult, but fairly common cart
I've tested three methods. The best may be to "create customer text
entry box" for each product to go in the cart and add drop down menus
the cart for the other info.
The only problem is the text entry box is way too large, being fixed
about 5 rows of 50 characters. Our maximum embroidery size is 3 by 24.
Plus, such a large text box takes up a lot of Cart real estate.
Anyone know how to resize the PRODUCT text entry box that goes in the
cart? There doesn't seem to be a custom cart template tag that
that box's size. Someone suggested using CSS.
Any ideas? How have other Shopsite sites handled similar product
Jeff at
Ackley Uniforms