Unable to access "Hosting Service".

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Unable to access "Hosting Service".

Postby kiltym » Wed Apr 11, 2018 8:06 am

Long story.

We use SS 12sp2 Manager. It is hosted with Bluehost. We relied on their shared SSL certificate for all of our SSL pages, including the backend for SS. We would get a security warning as the cert did not match our domain, but for internal use this is fine since the connection is still encrypted. All has been fine for 8 years.

Well, bluehost just changed something last night, and we can no longer access any SSL pages on our website (we get 404 errors). I am trying to get help from Bluehost, but I am not sure they can/will help.

Bluehost now offers a free SSL cert for our domain. So I am happy to get that installed instead of relying on the shared SSL cert on the server.

The "issue" I have, is all of the links set up in the Hosting Service menu are inaccessible (because they use SSL, and we cannot access them with the current issue), so there is no way for me to access them, and in turn update them to what they should be with a new SSL cert specific for our domain.

We have SSH access.

Is there some other way to update these "links" other then via the user interface so we can make the changes we need to?

Specifically we need to change this field, so we can then get into the backend with SSL:

Shopping Cart secure URL Enter the secure URL for your Shopping Cart directory. Do not include a trailing slash.
Secure Store URL Enter the secure URL for your Store (HTML Output) directory. Do not include a trailing slash.

Thank you!
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Re: Unable to access "Hosting Service".

Postby loren_d_c » Wed Apr 11, 2018 10:11 am

Yes, you can edit the settings file that contains these settings directly via SSH (if you know how to use a Linux command-line text editor) or via FTP, or even via the File Manager in your Bluehost control panel.

The file you need to edit is in the ss/ directory and is named [yourstoreid].aa. Basically, you want to edit all the https:// URL settings that are in there, they should all have 'secure' in the token name. There are 4.

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Re: Unable to access "Hosting Service".

Postby kiltym » Thu May 24, 2018 10:09 am

Thank you for your help!
Posts: 38
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