Upload images automatically removes spaces from image title

General ShopSite user discussion

Upload images automatically removes spaces from image title

Postby brock4444 » Sat Feb 25, 2017 6:27 pm


When I upload images through the back office of shopsite pro Version: 12 sp3 r1 the image titles have the spaces removed automatically. So my "6 inch yellow koi" becomes "6inchyellowkoi.jpg". I have done this for years and the space removal thing is new. I didnt change any settings. Is there a way to turn this function off? It is making a lot of extra work for me in that after I upload the database I have to go in and manually add the graphic and morinfo graphic to each product. Thank you!
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Re: Upload images automatically removes spaces from image ti

Postby ShopSite David » Tue Feb 28, 2017 12:17 pm

In version v12 sp3 more strict checking of uploaded files names was implemented. While spaces in a file name might work, it is not good HTML coding and could eventually cause problems. If you need to have spaces can you upload your images via FTP instead of via ShopSite?

Here's an article talking about spaces in filenames:
-David H.
ShopSite, Inc.
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