Subproducts and Database Upload Problem

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Subproducts and Database Upload Problem

Postby haikugabe » Thu Jan 19, 2017 11:27 pm

I'm trying to update the subproducts of several hundred parent products, and for same reason it’s not working as it used to do (I'm using ShopSite Pro 12 sp3 r1)

I was able to add subproducts to the existing sub products list, but the sort order was ignored.
This is something that did work before, and I have been doing it for years. I was always able to sort the order of the subproducts with a database upload.
Now the new subproducts were added at the bottom of the list.

Trying to solve this problem, I thought I could remove all the subproducts from a parent product, and then re-upload the database with the desired sort order.
But now I found out I cannot remove the subproducts with database upload either.

Is there any way to sort subproducts or remove subproducts through database upload?
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Re: Subproducts and Database Upload Problem

Postby ShopSite David » Fri Jan 27, 2017 5:07 pm

A work-around is to leave 1 item in the sub-product field (the one you would like to appear at the top of the list.) This will remove all the sub-products except for that one. Then you can do a second upload with the sub-products listed in the order that you would like. This should have the desired effect of sorting the sub-products into the order desired.

We are still investigating what changed between versions.
-David H.
ShopSite, Inc.
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Re: Subproducts and Database Upload Problem

Postby haikugabe » Mon Jan 30, 2017 12:05 pm

David, thank you so much for trying to help me.

I'm sorry to say that this work-around didn’t work for me.
I tried uploading a database with just one subproduct, but it didn’t remove all the subproducts except for that one.
The subproducts remain exactly the same as before the database upload, in the same order.

Is there any special way to set up the database uploads for subproducts?

I tried first a database with just the SKU code for subproducts, but it didn’t work, then I tried with the full name and SKU code and it didn’t work either.

We sell art prints, and we used to have 14 subproducts for each image, divided in 4 categories and sorted by size. Now we needed to add 2 more subproducts (print sizes) to one of the categories.
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Re: Subproducts and Database Upload Problem

Postby ShopSite David » Thu Feb 09, 2017 11:08 am

I think you are hosted at Lexiconn, if so, I've given them a new test build that should resolve this issue.
-David H.
ShopSite, Inc.
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Re: Subproducts and Database Upload Problem

Postby haikugabe » Fri Feb 10, 2017 7:01 am

Hello David

Yes, we are hosted at Lexiconn. And they told us about the solved issue.

And it's great!!!
It worked as before. I was able to update a couple of thousand products, all of them at once. Awesome!

Thank you so much for taking care of this problem we had.
Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Jan 19, 2017 10:45 pm

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