I'm trying to update the subproducts of several hundred parent products, and for same reason it’s not working as it used to do (I'm using ShopSite Pro 12 sp3 r1)
I was able to add subproducts to the existing sub products list, but the sort order was ignored.
This is something that did work before, and I have been doing it for years. I was always able to sort the order of the subproducts with a database upload.
Now the new subproducts were added at the bottom of the list.
Trying to solve this problem, I thought I could remove all the subproducts from a parent product, and then re-upload the database with the desired sort order.
But now I found out I cannot remove the subproducts with database upload either.
Is there any way to sort subproducts or remove subproducts through database upload?