Recurring Billing Double Billing

General ShopSite user discussion

Recurring Billing Double Billing

Postby MgmtSpec » Wed Dec 14, 2016 9:59 pm

I've set up a recurring service product. When someone places an order it charges them first month fee and creates an ARB in - all good so far.
The problem is the next day it charges my customer again - apparently the new ARB sets up to run 2am the next day. I don't want to set a free trial period of a month because then they would not be charged for a month. Do I need to set a trail period of 1 day maybe? I don't understand why if I have the product configured to monthly billing this happens. Right now I have to manually go into Auth net the next day and void the transaction. I've had customers freak out seeing the authorization thinking they are going to be double charged.
Posts: 204
Joined: Mon Apr 30, 2007 8:25 am

Re: Recurring Billing Double Billing

Postby ajeffery » Thu Dec 15, 2016 12:06 pm

To resolve this issue you will need to create a trial period of $0.00 for 1 period. We have our recurring billing set up to charge $23.99 when the customer orders, and $23.99 each month thereafter on the same day of the month:

To answer your specific inquiry: “I don't want to set a free trial period of a month because then they would not be charged for a month.”

It will still charge the customer for the first month because of the payment being made with the order. The $23.99 pays for the first month so the trial period needs to be $0.00 for the first charge (the recurring system doesn’t know that the initial $23.99 was charged).
Posts: 10
Joined: Thu Sep 29, 2016 12:48 pm

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