Passing Product Input to Order Data

General ShopSite user discussion

Passing Product Input to Order Data

Postby MgmtSpec » Wed Dec 14, 2016 9:54 pm

This is a follow up to an old post. I've found how to add input fields to a product - in my case its an event registration however there are a couple challenges.

When I DL the order all the additional inputs are under a tab heading of "Merchant Info" separated by |.
I really need to split the data to its own columns/tabs.
I can't just create a macro to separate the | as not ALL the fields will be input and will vary by registration.
I can't really name the additional fields with the value field as that will display in the input box forcing the user to have to delete the text.
I've had to leave the Value="" blank and use the "placeholder'' text option.

Some fields I could require but again some won't apply to all such as the Qualifying fields.

There are also a couple checkbox options - that will be either or.

You can see my test page at:

Wondering if there is a better way to define and separate the inputs.
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