Managing Product Review Emails

General ShopSite user discussion

Managing Product Review Emails

Postby koryb1 » Tue Jul 14, 2015 8:24 pm

I haven't yet tried ShopSite's Product Review feature, having been using Lexiconn's module for a couple years now. The templates it uses however are not Responsive which is less than ideal.

However, in looking at ShopSite's features, I don't see a way to manage the review request emails in terms of changing the delivery date or deleting the review email request altogether on a per order basis. Is that possible? For example if some orders are on backorder I wouldn't want the review email request to go out before the product is delivered. Or if an order is cancelled I wouldn't want the request email to go out at all. Lexiconn's module makes these things very easy. Does ShopSite's tool have this same functionality?

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Managing Product Review Emails

Postby Jim » Wed Jul 15, 2015 8:20 am

There is no built in way to prevent review emails from being sent out for cancelled or delayed orders. This is the first time I have heard of this concern. If you feel that this is an important issue that causes problems please make a post in the Enhancement Request forum.
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Re: Managing Product Review Emails

Postby koryb1 » Wed Jul 15, 2015 8:30 am

Thank you Jim for the reply. I will post in that forum. This is definitely an issue; on some occasions if we don't delete the review request email before it gets sent out we've had customers point out "why are we getting this email after I cancelled my order?". We don't have to cancel often thankfully, but sending a review request email to a customer that never received the product is a little unprofessional.

Thanks again!
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Re: Managing Product Review Emails

Postby ShopSite David » Fri Jul 17, 2015 3:51 pm

Note that if an order is deleted before the review email is sent then no email will be sent out.

-David H.
ShopSite, Inc.
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Re: Managing Product Review Emails

Postby lneibauer » Mon Mar 14, 2016 9:13 am

We are also just setting up the review emails as well, it is a shame there is no way to test it our prior to going live with the email format. It would be very helpful.

One thing that does confuse me is I see you can put in a 'review URL' tag in the body of the email. Is that dynamically generated link/url by Shopsite? I do not see anywhere in the back end where to set that up. Does Shopsite generate one URL for the entire order or is it a URL for each product that the customer ordered?

Second, what is the purpose of the "Review" button if Shopsite automatically generates a URL link. :?: :?:

thanks in advance
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Re: Managing Product Review Emails

Postby Jim » Mon Mar 14, 2016 11:20 am

The [REVIEW_URL] will be generated by ShopSite and results in a page that contains separate review forms for each product in the order.
The {PRODUCT_LIST] will display each of the products that were purchased by the shopper, Typically the product image with the name below it.
The [ REVIEW_BUTTON] is simply a button that goes to the same screen that the link goes to. It just makes it easier for the shopper to see than a link in a line of text.

If you set the "How many days before the reminder" to 0 a review email will be sent fairly quickly after the order is placed. To test you could enable Product Reviews, set the value to 0, place a test order and then set the value to a few days. That way your order would get the review email but other orders wouldn't get it for a few days. Once you have received your review email request you could use the link/button to see the form that the shopper will see for reviewing the items they purchased. You could then disable the feature if you aren't ready to use it yet. If you don't want to test it in your own store you could get a demo store at and use that to test the functionality.
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Re: Managing Product Review Emails

Postby lneibauer » Mon Mar 14, 2016 11:53 am

Thanks, I forgot about the demo sites to try this out with. Good suggestion! Thank you for the explanation of the Shopsite tags and what they are used for. I will give it a try.
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