We're having issues with the search UI in the navbar. Using the Fearless theme/BB template. Seems many do not understand to click the "magnifying" glass icon they get a search box. You would think this is pretty obvious but my customer is getting 1-2 calls a week that mention they can't find the search or how to search the site.
So my question is how to display the "toggled" large search box (see bottom part of image) as default on pages AND can I do this w/o having to create custom templates.
I can see the JS output from the page but honestly I never learned JS so I don't really understand.
- Code: Select all
<script type="text/javascript">$("div.suckertreemenu").append("<a href=\"http://www.floridatorqueconverters.com\" id=\"categoriesLink\" onclick=\"openVertical(); return false;\">Categories<\/a>"); $("ul#ShopSite").append("<div id=\"bb-navfade\" onclick=\"openVertical();\"><\/div>"); $("ul#ShopSite li").each(function() {if ($(this).children("ul").length > 0) {$(this).attr("class","bb-navfolder")}});
$("#ShopSite > li").each(function() {if (/home.html/i.test($(this).html())) {$(this).addClass("subcategory"); return false;}});function rdCheck(wels) {if (wels > ($("div.olh").outerWidth())) {verticalNav();} else if ((wels <= ($("div.olh").outerWidth())) && ($("html").attr("id") === "touch")) {horizontalNavTouch();} else {regularNav();}}
$("document").ready(function() {var liwidth = "0"; $(".olhel").each(function() {liwidth = parseInt(liwidth) + parseInt($(this).outerWidth());});$( window ).resize(debouncer(function(e) {rdCheck(liwidth);}));rdCheck(liwidth);});
<!-- ***** End of Include: BB-PageMenu-OneLineHeader.sst -->
<span id="fl-bonuslinks"></span>
<span id="fl-searchtoggle">Search</span><script type="text/javascript">$("#fl-searchtoggle").click(function() {$("#bb-searchform").toggleClass("fl-active");});</script> </div>