Assigning specific shipping rates to each product

General ShopSite user discussion

Assigning specific shipping rates to each product

Postby earthlygoods » Sat Jan 30, 2016 6:10 pm

Is there any way to assign a set shipping amount to each item in my store that is not tied to weight, rate charts, etc.? The shipping rates will vary--for example, product A always costs $18 to ship, product B is always $10, and so on.
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Re: Assigning specific shipping rates to each product

Postby Jim » Mon Feb 01, 2016 10:11 am

You could try the ShopSite Base shipping options. This allows you to set a shipping charge for each product as well as a minimum shipping charge if the product total charge doesn't reach some specified minimum.
(Commerce Setup > Shipping > ShopSite Shipping Rate Calculations: > Base shipping. Then on each product there will be a section called Base Shipping Charge where you will need to configure the shipping charge for that product.
Help for shipping options can be found at Note that this shipping option is only available in Pro and Manager versions of ShopSite. If you have a Starter or Express store you would need to upgrade to at least Manager level to get the shipping option.
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