End of year inventory and the Product List

General ShopSite user discussion

End of year inventory and the Product List

Postby gourmetdelights » Mon Jan 04, 2016 12:12 am

ShopSite® Pro 12 sp2 r1 hosted by LexiConn

I've slowly adjusted to the changes to the Product List released with the newest version of ShopSite. I think the older format was better, but I'm a user and not the Program Manager so that's not my decision.

HOWEVER when doing the year end inventory I was very very frustrated. In the past it was simple, do a Power Edit on all products, ask for the Product Name, and Quantity on hand. Print. Last year about 36 pages, no problem.

This year 244MB and 98 pages.

Amazing that each page has about 2 products on it. Not a simple list but a more "stylized" format, which I'm sure someone thinks is pretty but I certainly didn't want to print out 100 pages, some with only 1 or 2 pieces of information on them. A waste of printer toner, a waste of paper, a waste of time.

Such a poor use of fonts, and space.

Geez what a mess.
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Re: End of year inventory and the Product List

Postby Jim » Mon Jan 04, 2016 9:26 am

The format of the Power Edit screen is for display. I don't think anyone in the development team thought that it would be used for printing.

Why not use the Product Download feature. Go to Utilities > Database > Download Products. Choose the Tab delimited format and the Download fields option and select just the fields you want, Name and Quantity on Hand and maybe Price and then click the download button. You will get a spreadsheet layout of the products with just the name quantity and price. You could then create a formula to multiple the quantity X Price and sum it up to give you the value of your inventory. Printing would also be much easier from a spreadsheet than from a browser view.
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