Running ShopSite® Pro 12 sp2 r1 hosted by Lexiconn.
I get a lot of phone orders this time of year. So I'm constantly filling in "billing address" and "shipping address" for new people.
In the Shopping Cart I enter the "ship to Zip code". When I go to "checkout" that zip code is CORRECTLY in the "shipping address".
On the checkout page I then type in the billing address, which is of course different than the order I received earlier that day since this is a new customer, and use the "Check here if billing and shipping are the same" checkbox. Everything populates correctly.
BUT when I enter payment information I get the error: "Zip Code has changed. Shipping rates need to be recalculated. Please press Return to Cart. "
WHY? The correct shipping zip code was entered in the shopping cart, it has not changed during checkout. I changed the "billing zip code" but that should not matter as the shipping rates are only dependent on the shipping zip code.