Problem installing v9 Linux

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Problem installing v9 Linux

Postby royhink » Tue Oct 27, 2015 3:35 pm

Trying to run:

I am getting 'Internal Server Error' in the browser, and the error.log is saying:
[Tue Oct 27 14:14:33.134986 2015] [cgi:error] [pid 733] [client] AH01215: (2)No such file or directory: exec of '/var/www/cgi-bin/shopsite-install/wwwinstall.cgi' failed
[Tue Oct 27 14:14:33.135628 2015] [cgi:error] [pid 733] [client] End of script output before headers: wwwinstall.cgi

I've checked (and double checked) the permissions, and they look correct. I am wondering if this error message is familiar to anyone. Am I just overlooking something?

It's frustrating because I installed a v11 store on Linux and, although I had bugs, this was not one of them. I remember having permission issues show in the error.log, which I was able to solve.

This almost looks like there is a file/folder missing that wwwinstall.cgi requires. I created the /data/, /data/ss, /data/sc and /cgi-bin/shopsite-install folders, set ownership/permissions to spec with no effect.

I feel like I've double checked everything I know of. Any thoughts?
I've got two v9 stores I am moving from windows to Linux as-is, then upgrading to v12.

A basic index.html 'Hello World' site is running, and I've set up the cgi-bin, sc, ss and data folders with 777 permissions and administrator:www-data ownership.

Dropped a perl script into the chi-bin/shopsite-install folder that runs correctly.
Posts: 104
Joined: Fri Jul 20, 2007 10:04 am
Location: Petaluma, CA

Re: Problem installing v9 Linux

Postby loren_d_c » Wed Oct 28, 2015 10:07 am

1) Check the exact filesize of wwwinstall.cgi that you are trying to execute with one freshly unzipped from the .zip package to make sure they are the same exact byte size. If not, then it is possible that the wwwinstall.cgi was corrupted by something like an ASCII FTP transfer.
2) Do you have other ShopSite stores installed on this exact same server? If not, try to run the v11 or v12 wwwinstall.cgi just for kicks (don't complete the install with them, just see if they run). If they don't then this server may need to have the 32-bit compatibility libs installed by someone with root shell access (for systems that use yum, you can just run something like this as root 'yum install glibc.i686').
3) if the wwwinstall.cgi is not corrupted and other/newer ones run, then maybe there is a specific system lib that this one needs that the newer ones don't. You can see an executable's library dependencies by running a command like 'ldd wwwinstall.cgi'. You can also try running wwwinstall.cgi from the commandline like './wwwinstall.cgi'.

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Re: Problem installing v9 Linux

Postby royhink » Wed Oct 28, 2015 11:04 am

#2 fixed this issue, Thanks
Posts: 104
Joined: Fri Jul 20, 2007 10:04 am
Location: Petaluma, CA

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