BB Shopping Cart

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BB Shopping Cart

Postby dortchjm » Thu Jul 23, 2015 11:34 am

I just updated my website using the BB templates, but in the shopping cart I can no longer see individual prices, just the total. I would like have this show with the SC_CART_V2 tag. Is the a checkbox somewhere that I'm missing? It shows with the tag SC_CART, but the text is crammed together and very messy.

Is there a way to customize the SS_CART_V2 tag?
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Re: BB Shopping Cart

Postby Jim » Thu Jul 23, 2015 2:01 pm

The SS_CART_V2 tag was added to make the cart display better on mobile devices, so there isn't an option to change the fields like there is for the SC_CART tag.
You can change it to the SC_Cart tag and then using styles you can change the way the layout looks by adding padding or other css attributes.
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Re: BB Shopping Cart

Postby BFChris » Fri Jul 24, 2015 7:23 am


Where is documentation about the SS_CART_V2 tag???

This would like resolve numerous issues I'm have with layout.
~~Barefoot Chris
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Re: BB Shopping Cart

Postby Jim » Fri Jul 24, 2015 9:31 am

There are no parameters and no options for the [-- SC_CART_V2 --] tag. It essentially out puts the basic information for the product table that the {-- SC_CART --] does using <div> notation instead of tables. Here is the output for a very simple cart template that just has this for the template.
Code: Select all
# This defines how the shopping cart page will look
[-- sc_form --]
This is the default sc_cart tag.<p>
[-- sc_cart --]
This is the new cart template tag<p>
[--sc_cart_v2 --]

Here is the html for the sc_cart tag
Code: Select all
<table class="cart">
<tr><th class="cart_quantity">Quantity</th><th class="cart_image">Image</th><th class="cart_name">Name</th><th class="cart_sku">SKU</th><th class="cart_price">Each</th><th class="cart_total">Total</th></tr>
<tr><td class="cart_quantity"><input tabindex="1" type="text" name="0:qnty" value="1" size=4></td>
<td class="cart_image"></td>
<td class="cart_name">advanced option header </td>
<td class="cart_sku"></td>
<td class="cart_price">$1.00</td>
<td class="cart_total">$1.00</td>
<tr><td class="cart_op1" colspan=1>&nbsp;</td><td class="cart_op" colspan=4><select class="cart" name="0:finopt:0" size=1>
<option selected value="red tall">red tall</option>
<option value="red short">red short</option>
<option value="red medium">red medium</option>
<option value="blue tall">blue tall</option>
<option value="blue short">blue short</option>
<option value="blue medium">blue medium</option>
<option value="green tall">green tall</option>
<option value="green short">green short</option>
<option value="green medium">green medium</option>
<input type="hidden" name="0:finoptnum" value=1>
<td class="cart_op2">&nbsp;</td></tr>
and here is the code generated by the SC_CART_V2 tag
Code: Select all
<div id="cart-products">
<div class="cart-product">
<div class="cart-product-info">
<div class="cart-product-image"></div>
<div class="cart-product-specs">
<span class="cart-product-name">advanced option header </span>
<span class="cart-product-sku"></span><span class="cart-product-options"><select class="cart" name="0:finopt:0" size=1>
<option selected value="red tall">red tall</option>
<option value="red short">red short</option>
<option value="red medium">red medium</option>
<option value="blue tall">blue tall</option>
<option value="blue short">blue short</option>
<option value="blue medium">blue medium</option>
<option value="green tall">green tall</option>
<option value="green short">green short</option>
<option value="green medium">green medium</option>
<input type="hidden" name="0:finoptnum" value=1>
<span class="cart-product-quantity">Quantity <input tabindex="2" type="text" name="0:qnty" value="1" size=4></span>
<div class="cart-product-price"><span class="cart-product-totalprice">$1.00</span>

There is no option to change the order of the cart elements or to delete any of them like you can with the [-- SC_CART --] tag.
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Re: BB Shopping Cart

Postby BFChris » Fri Jul 24, 2015 9:41 am

I hope there are plans to add those options in the future. This is definitely an improvement.
~~Barefoot Chris
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Re: BB Shopping Cart

Postby dortchjm » Fri Jul 24, 2015 3:07 pm

So if I understand correctly, I need to customize the [-- SC_CART --] tag to make my cart work properly. The main things that were bothering me besides the text being crammed together so it's unreadable with the [-- SC_CART_V2 --] tag is the price per item is missing and the remove button is above the total price per item instead in next to the update button. I also searched for documentation and found nothing in the help files. I was under the assumption that when I click on certain checkboxes like show amount saved, hide coupon, etc. the new cart would obey and not require custom coding. I can't get either of those options to work either.
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