Central Responsive Theme

General ShopSite user discussion

Central Responsive Theme

Postby Jenny » Fri Jul 10, 2015 10:03 am

We are setting up a new ecommerce store and plan to use the Central theme, manager version.
One of our group opened a Demo Pro Store to check the set up and could not change
the color Orange. What is the color (5) that cannot be changed for this theme? We want a
green and black theme, but a green that is much darker than the one used in the template.

Also, the demo store featured a banner photo which we do not want. We want to create
our store with a home page like the Central theme featured at this ShopSite link:

Is this page a custom page or can this be created from the basic Central manager template without customization? Do
you currently have examples of other stores set up with the Central theme that we may review?

We also noticed that the pictures for the above referenced page were large at approximately
1000 px x 580 px original size. We are concerned about load time. We plan to use optimized Jpegs via
PhotoShop with an approximate original size of 400 x 400 px or 500 x 500 px throughout the store.
We have approximately 150 products.Any recommendations regarding size would be appreciated.

Any other recommendatations would be appreciated too.

Posts: 19
Joined: Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:21 am

Re: Central Responsive Theme

Postby Jim » Fri Jul 10, 2015 10:37 am

The color 5 is used to determine which css file is used for the theme. If it is changed then either a different css will be used or no css file will be used, which would change the entire look of the site.

You can find out what all the colors affect at http://www.shopsite.com/templates/cookbook/builtintemplates-bb-central.html

As for the images ShopSite can resize the images when you upload them through the merchant interface. The original image is generally not resized but you can specify a max size if you want. There are 3 resized version of the image which can be used at various locations in your store such as store pages, moreinfo pages, search results, shopping cart, receipts etc. The default sizes for these resized images are 400 x 400, 175 x 175 and 80 x 80. They are typically used for Moreinfo page image, thumbnail if multiple images are assigned to a product and shopping cart images respectively. The original image would typically be used as a "zoom" image to show a more detailed view of the product and it wouldn't normally be displayed on the page itself but would display when the shopper moves the mouse over the product moreinfo page image(s).

You can make the page look just like the cookbook image by making sure that you haven't assigned a page image or company logo for the site.
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Re: Central Responsive Theme

Postby Jenny » Sun Jul 12, 2015 9:07 am

Thank you for your input. I did reference the link you provided regarding How Colors Are Used; however, I do not like the orange color for the Add To Cart button on this theme. Where do I go to change this button to another color? I really would like to change the orange color throughout the site. Where do I go to do this? It would also be helpful to know where Color 5 is located so that we do not inadvertently change this.
Posts: 19
Joined: Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:21 am

Re: Central Responsive Theme

Postby Jim » Sun Jul 12, 2015 9:17 pm

Preferences > Layout is where the colors are configured. Just find the Orange color that you want to change and you should be able to switch it to something more to your liking. Note that it could be used as a background in some places so you need to make sure that what ever color is associated with it in those locations still will work with the color you select.
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Location: Utah

Re: Central Responsive Theme

Postby Jenny » Mon Jul 13, 2015 1:50 pm

Found it. Thanks very much, Jim.
Posts: 19
Joined: Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:21 am

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