New Bing Ads Universal code

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New Bing Ads Universal code

Postby johnbiggscr » Mon Apr 13, 2015 8:46 am

Has anyone used the new Bing universal code they introduced to replace their old adcentre code? (Note: we are using ads on 4 different shopsite sites)
We are trying to figure out:

What the goal type should be, and if its destination url, then what that should be set to. (Note: we are using ads on 4 different shopsite sites so full url with domain is not an option)

Where it needs to go, whether in the main template, the thank you page or wherever.

I seem to be unable to find any information anywhere about this and they are turning off the old way in 2 days so its getting close to the wire.
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Re: New Bing Ads Universal code

Postby ShopSite Lauren » Mon Apr 13, 2015 9:08 am

These sound like questions that would best be answered by Bing's AdCenter, but I'll take a stab at it.

I assume you are using the Bing Ads Universal Event Tracking code, probably to track sales. Here is an article that talks about how to set this up:

For the Goal Type, you would want "Destination URL". Most merchants with just one domain will want to select Destination URL : Begins With : then specify everything in their Thank you page URL BEFORE the ? which typically includes: Since you have multiple domains, you don't want to include the domain portion, so you want to select, Destination URL : Regular Expression : then specify the part of your thank you page URL that matches all 4 sites. That might just be thankyou.cgi.

Bing recommends that you place the tag/code on all pages of your website, so this would include all static pages, and all pages that are part of the checkout process.
- ShopSite Lauren
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