separate input fileds for product info

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separate input fileds for product info

Postby water » Mon Jul 21, 2014 11:38 am

How do I break the "More Info Page Text" box into segments in the database? They would still line up in the column of copy on the more info pages.

These different segments would be for: description, specifications, where to use/how to choose. Segmenting will make it easier to input and proof for those involved.
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Re: separate input fileds for product info

Postby Jim » Mon Jul 21, 2014 12:46 pm

There is no way to break up a field in the database itself. You can make the content display on different lines in the output by including html line break tags in the text, <br> <p>, so that when the information displays on your page it will be in different paragraphs.

Another way you could do it is to assign the moreinfo information to different extra product fields and then modify the moreinfo section of the product template to display the different extra field content as you need it.
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Re: separate input fileds for product info

Postby water » Mon Jul 21, 2014 3:15 pm

Thanks you for your response, Jim. The second way is what I'm after. How do I "assign the moreinfo information to different extra product fields and then modify the moreinfo section of the product template to display the different extra field content as you need it"

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Re: separate input fileds for product info

Postby Jim » Tue Jul 22, 2014 7:38 am

The extra product field are near the bottom of the Edit Product screen. By default there are just a few enabled but you can enable more (up to 50 in ShopSite 12) on the Preferences > Extra Fields screen. You can also name the extra product fields on that same screen. If you give them a name then anyplace in the back office of the store the field name will be displayed by the field. The field name can also be used in custom templates. The name you give the field cannot however be used in an upload file to automatically match data but if you manually match the fields the first time then they will be automatically matched on subsequent uploads using the same data format.

To display the field content in a product moreinfo template you use the tag [-- PRODUCT.FieldX --] where X is the field number for the data you want to use. To display the field name that you have assigned to a field use the template tag [-- STORE.ProductFieldX --].

So if you want to have the field 1 name followed by a : and a space and then the field 1's content you would put this in the template

[-- STORE.ProductField1 --]:&nbsp;[-- PRODUCT.Field1 --]
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Re: separate input fileds for product info

Postby water » Tue Jul 22, 2014 10:53 am

I did see those "extra fields" at the bottom of the product page, but could not get text entered in that field to display on the page that I assigned the product to, or the more info page.

Just now I tried adding the tags you supplied in the extra field box - no extra text displays, and adding the tag to the end of the copy in the "More Info Page Text" field. Again, no text displays.

Where do I put these tags?
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Re: separate input fileds for product info

Postby Jim » Tue Jul 22, 2014 12:27 pm

The tags must be added to the template that is being used for the product. You can edit the templates under Merchandising > Custom Templates. You will need to know what product template is being used for the products and possibly what page template is being used, since it can override the assigned product template.

What theme are you using for your store? You can find that on Preferences > Themes. Knowing the theme will tell me which product template is used so I can determine what file you would need to edit.

A link to a page in your store would also be helpful.
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Re: separate input fileds for product info

Postby water » Wed Jul 23, 2014 3:45 pm

Thanks for your help. I think I'm going to seek some local pro help rather than get into working in the code of the custom pages.
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