Basic Editing Screen

General ShopSite user discussion

Basic Editing Screen

Postby sadie » Sun Oct 20, 2013 2:07 pm

I am new to ShopSite – at present I am going to use the OrderAnywhere linker option for my products on my existing website – the question I have it on the Basic Editing Screen for a product there is a place for an image – I assume that is the product image for the shopping cart. How do I use my current images without having to recreate all of them at present? Do they need to be uploaded into the media folder? Or can I use the existing path to my –th files for each product? I am at a loss so would appreciate any help.

I plan to begin working on a full blown transition to ShopSite after the first of the year.
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Joined: Sun Oct 20, 2013 1:50 pm

Re: Basic Editing Screen

Postby Jim » Mon Oct 21, 2013 6:54 am

You won't be able to use your current images If you images to display in the shopping cart. ShopSite will need to have the images configured for the product on the Basic (or Advanced) editing screen so it know what image goes with which product. It cannot create resized images to use in the shopping cart if the image is not in the ShopSite Image directory of your store. Using a path to images in another location would mean that the image could not be resized in the shopping cart and a full size image probably would not look good in the shopping cart.
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