by Jim » Fri Sep 27, 2013 9:49 am
The top row of the window with the Home link is coming from the submenu and will have link to your home page and to the shopping cart and possibly other store pages.
A large part of the space below that menu is being used by this code <div id="mu-headerspecials"> … </div> So it is probably for global cross-sell items.
You can change the code by editing the template Multi-Use-Cart.sst and finding the above code and removing just that line.
To edit the template you need to go to Merchandising > Custom Templates > Shopping Cart, chose the Copy ShopSite template and select the Multi-Use-Cart.sst from the list. Give it the name Multi-Use-Cart.sst1 (note the 1 at the end) and click the Copy button. Next select the template from the list box and click Edit Template. Make the change and Save the template. Then select the template name from the list again and click the Copy Template button and give it the name Multi-Use-Cart.sst (i.e. delete the 1 at the end of the name) and save changes. That should fix the problem with a large amount of the blank space.